The Infra and IT Committee, popularly called as the IIT Committee, was established in 2017 by amalgamation of two separate committees (Infrastructure Committee & IT Committee into a single Committee for better coordinated work) to cater to the Hostel, IT and Infrastructure needs of the students.

The Infra & IT Committee forms the backbone of the Student Life in IIM Trichy. IIT Committee is dedicated to help students have pleasant stay at IIM Trichy in terms of facilities at Hostel and Academic Block. We also provide support to various institute activities along with supporting Clubs & Committees in their campus activities.

"There is never a dull day with being in IIT"

Roles & Responsibilities

  1. Working closely with the Institute in providing the best facilities within Campus.
  2. Managing & Updating Student Portal.
  3. Hostel Maintenance.
  4. Internet, LAN/WIFI and Connectivity Maintenance.
  5. Hostel Room Allotment.
  6. Updating the Club & Committee details in the required databases.
  7. Providing support to various Institute events/activities.
  8. Providing support to various Club & Committee events/activities.
  9. Providing Online Laptop Deals to the incoming students.
  10. Follow-up & Solving issues raised through tickets.
  11. Coordinating with new opportunities that can be established within the campus for student benefits.

Solving Issues - Tickets

One of the major works of the IIT Committee involves in collecting Infra & IT issues from students through a Ticketing Portal and ensuring the same are rectified in the shortest possible time by getting in touch with the Estate Office & the IT Team along with other players. This activity forms the essence of the Committee and is vital for providing a high quality campus life and experience to the IIM Trichy family. IIT Committee acts as the bridge between the students and the admin to ensure that the best possible campus environment is maintained.

The Student Portal

The Infra & IT Committee has been exploring various means to be an active part in promoting the institute and playing a vital role in connecting the various stakeholders of IIM Trichy fraternity under one roof. One such initiative resulted in the creation of the Student Portal.

The Student Portal is developed as a one stop place to have all the student activities and information with respect to Clubs & Committees for students and the external audience. 

Online Laptop Deals

The IIT Committee brought in various vendors who were able to give discounts & targeted offers to the incoming & existing batch of students. Products ranged from Laptops to Bluetooth Accessories to Printers.

The Brands (listed in alphabetical order)
Acer | Apple | Dell | HP | Lenovo | Microsoft Surface | Samsung

We are open to new collaborations/leads. Do reach us out through our id.

Room Allotment

Allotting Rooms at the beginning of every year is a major task that is carried out by the IIT Committee. It is carried out based on lots of inputs that is collected from the students. The shear number of decision variables & parameters that this activity is based on is a task in itself that demands your best reasoning & management skills. We design forms to collect the data, filter and sanitize the data and finally allot rooms based on the constrains. 

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