Greetings Visitor,

The Student Portal of IIM Trichy that you are in is a Student run Website that leverages various online platforms and services that are available to promote and showcase the Life & happenings that takes place in the IIM Trichy campus. The data shared in this Website is purely for informational and engaging purposes and the IP rights for the activities/ideas/posts/events entirely lie with the relevant stakeholders and content creators. For further details regarding this, feel free to check the below 3 pages. 

Page 1 : Disclaimer.
Page 2 : Terms & Conditions.
Page 3 : Privacy Policy.

This Student Portal website was not created as an alternative website for the Official webpage for IIM Tiruchirappalli . The Student Portal cannot be used as an alternative website of the Official website of IIM Tiruchirappalli by any member, both internal and external to the Institute.

Thank you. 

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